Need support to help your writing to shine?
You know you need engaging, authoritative content that helps to showcase the expertise of your in-house subject matter experts while also helping you to build a loyal following until that audience is ready to convert. But you’re busy, and it’s so easy to let typos and gobbledegook slip through and onto the web. It’s no good creating the best content that has ever been seen by the human eye if it’s riddled with m1steaks! (Yes, that was deliberate.)
I’m a registered member of the UK’s Chartered Institute of Editors and Proofreaders and committed to its standards.
Copy editing
As an editor, I take a conversational approach. I’m not about being a stickler for Proper Grammar; my early career in newspapers taught me to write how people speak, and I bring that to my editing as well. Does it read well? Will changing something make it clunky or improve the flow? It’s all about the reader.
As a proofreader, I have an eagle eye for detail. I’m increasingly finding my eyes going to the typos in published material and being amazed they got through. I’m here to help make sure that doesn’t happen to you.
Editorial mentor
Need something a little more than an editor, but not looking for training or hardcore coaching? I can act as both your copy editor and your mentor—talking you through the edits and suggested changes, and helping you to improve your own writing so less editing is needed next time.
Content health checks and content audits
Been at this content marketing malarky for a while and not really sure how it’s going? Think you could improve but have no idea where to start? I can cast that impartial eye over proceedings and review your progress. We can either focus on a specific part of your content (the quality, the frequency, the distribution), or look together at the bigger picture. What are you trying to achieve, and are you getting close? My health check report will shed some light in a clear way, setting out actions for you to take as next steps.
Editorial training
I’ve learned a thing or two in my 20 years as a professional writer, and I have plenty of wisdom to impart. I can create bespoke training courses and workshops for your internal teams, guiding them in the ways of content. I can run bespoke training or workshops to get your team up to speed on all manner of content matters: basic writing skills, how to tell a story, how to interview, writing for the web, or introductions or in-depth classes in anything I’ve talked about on this page. If you don’t know what you need but you know there is a skills gap, let’s chat about how to close it. From building a strategy to the basics of writing a good story, I’ve got it covered.