A storyteller of rare ability… you can absolutely rely on her to deliver

Whatever I write in this endorsement, Lauren could have written it better. All those perfect words that you can’t quite capture – she’s got them in a bag. She’s a storyteller of rare ability, one who can captivate any audience by speaking in ‘their language’. She is fluent in a range of industries and knowledgeable about the nuance of each digital channel in the ever-changing landscape of the web. As an experienced journalist, she’s used to shouldering the responsibility of gathering and shaping stories to meet short deadlines. Her work ethic is second to none; if she takes on your project, you can absolutely rely on her to deliver. In the two years she worked on my team, she consistently exceeded all expectations, adding value to the brand with impressive marketing collateral and effective campaigns. Finally, if your task is creative, Lauren is the ideal collaborator – a great listener, who can fill any silence with a novel idea. She is one you will want to work with again and again.